Archive for the 'capers' Category


a tale of two pastas.

In an effort to be more summery, I’ve decided to ban the weekend gymming. Honestly, it’s a waste of the heat. And I can handle the heat. I went for the most amazing run along the East River on Saturday. It was 70s-ish and breezy, and aside from the sweat dripping into my eyeballs – unpleasant – it was wonderful. It was so great that it’s all I can recall from the weekend. I’m pretty sure I lay in a fetal position for the other 47.5 hours, but I can’t be sure.

Come Sunday night, I hadn’t made it to the grocery store but at all. I can be resourceful if the situation calls for it, so I dug into my pantry and came up with some fire roasted red peppers. I had a few leaves of non-wilty spinach on hand, a jar of marinated artichokes, and a bag of whole wheat papardelle courtesy of TJ’s. I boiled the pasta, sauteed the veggies in olive oil, and tossed everything together with salt, pepper, and about a cup of red pepper flakes:

pasta one

pasta one

It was probably the easiest and least impressive thing I’ve ever made/eaten, but damnit if I wasn’t secretly hoping my roomies would come home so I could hold the pasta over my head like a bigass trophy. I was just that proud of its unassuming good looks.

I have a not-so-secret fear of a foodless existence, so I, like, sprinted to the grocery after work today. I spent a great portion of today researching new recipes on, but I let the clusterfuck of the Monday TJ’s scene overtake my careful planning. Meaning, I turned into one of those people who mindlessly tosses thing into her basket. I hate those people.

I walked out with some absurdly cheap smoked salmon ($2.99) and a bunch of other foods that only Suzanne Somers pregnant on Step by Step would be into. Obscure reference? Maybe. Still, I’m talking pomegranate seeds and capers. Only Carol Foster Lambert would want that when she’s with child.

I managed to gather the odd ingredients and put together a totally different pasta dish than before. The colors are similar, but the taste was so drastically different. I boiled the papardelle, and then sauteed chopped basil, tomatoes and capers. I added oilve oil and lemon juice, and then added a fair amount of salt and pepper. It was so salty and delicious, and luckily it appealed to a non-preggers pallete. See below:

pasta two

pasta two

May 2024
